Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The One Lovely Blog Award

Liam, from This Page Intentionally Left Blank, has given me another blog award.  This one is called The One Lovely Blog Award, in case you couldn't figure that out from the title of this post.

This award comes with three rules:
1. You have to thank the person who nominated you on their blog to receive your honor.
2. You have to tell 7 things about yourself and human canoe counts!
3. You have to nominate 15 blogs and then tell them of their nomination!

To these rules I shall comply, though I find myself at a loss as to what "human canoe" is.

So, thanks Liam, for passing this award on to me. 

For the facts:
  1. There are very few TV shows that my family likes that aren't science fiction or murder mysteries. 
  2. My middle name starts with an "M".
  3. I'm typing this with a pony tail holder holding the three middle fingers on my left hand together.  It feels kinda weird.
  4. I can't decide whether to make one of my characters a lord or a beekeeper.  Or both.
  5. I prefer romance stories where one of the romantically entangled gives up fame/fortune to be with the other romantically entangled person.  The only two romance based story ideas I have are like this.  
  6. My favorite song of the week is Peponi by ThePianoGuys, which is a cover of Coldplay's Paradise.
  7. My garden is in desperate need of weeding.  And rain. 
Now I have to nominate.  Hmm.... Liam has nominated most of the blogs I read already.  Fizzle frogs. Well, I won't be able to do 15, but I can do:

The Life of a Teenage Writer
Allison's Bookish Life
Inklined Writers
The Fiction Dairies

Four is all I can think of at the moment, so that is all I shall do.  If I missed your blog, feel free to scream at me in a comment.

That's all for me, chaps.  Have a nice day, and remember to keep an eye out for pink dragons.


  1. Glad to see the award passing on to good bloggers. So many people have opted not to blog after I stole all the links... The pink dragon ate all the blogs I missed, I suppose.
