Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Writer in You Blog Hop

The Writer in You Blog Hop is hosted by Katie over at The Fiction Diaries.  In Katie's own words, "This is a blog hop for all you aspiring writers out there. It is a chance to meet other writers and share tips, writing, and experiences, all while gaining new followers for your lovely blog!" Each week she posts a question for answering.  This week's question is:  Do you outline your writing?

I outline the order of the main plot points, like when my main character should find a clue, then I pants what happens in between. Sometimes I'll pants how it happens, if I know where the clue needs to lead, but not what it is or where and how Lizzie (my main character) will find it.
I don't outline the subplots, but that may change if I ever write something with enough twisted subplots to rival Dickens's Bleak House


  1. sounds like me, always need room to grow :)
    outline isn't written in stone!

  2. I love your blog. I have to outline so that I don't lose track of where I am going.

  3. I outline, but i also let my characters have free reign in the writing. Without my characters input, my outline would be pointless. Really, it's true:)
